We have achieved the Eco Church Silver Award

Eco Church Silver Award Badge

Swishing Night : Tuesday 24 September at 7pm at All Saints' Church.

Bring at least one (max 8) item of adults' clothing/accessories in good condition to swap for something else new to you. 

Save money, cut waste, fight fast fashion. Entry £5.  Refreshments, raffle and stalls on the night.

Drop off your items 12noon - 3pm or 7pm on the day at church. 

For more information see the event rules and disclaimer 


In April 2022 we achieved Silver in the Eco Church Awards. This national scheme supports churches in their care for creation in their communities and we were the fourth church in the St Albans Diocese to reach Silver.

We achieved our first Eco Church Bronze Award in October 2019, and we will now work towards Gold.

At the heart of Eco Church is an online assessment survey that enables churches to record what they are doing to care for God’s earth, and to work on the next steps to improve further. The survey covers all areas of church life: Worship and Teaching; Management of Church Buildings and Land; Community and Global Engagement; and Lifestyle.

We have now joined the mentor scheme for churches in the Diocese and hope to help other congregations which want to explore Eco Church.

Our Eco Church journey began with a survey of the congregation, to find out what people were already doing, and what actions they thought All Saints’ should take.


An amazing 63 people took part in our questionnaire – thank you!                                

30% have heard of the 5th Mark of Mission of the Anglican Communion:

“To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth”

What you told us about things you already do as individuals:

  • 90% recycle / re-use
  • 60-70% buy local, consider packaging when you shop and compost
  • 50-60% drive less and avoid flying
  • 30-40% have renewable energy, buy organic and grow your own food

What you suggested we could do at All Saints:

Further Suggestions Chart

*LOAF is Local, Organic, Animal-friendly and Fairtrade food.

Some of your ideas of other things you’d like us to explore:

  • Car/lift sharing/reduce car use

  • Turn down the heating

  • Grey water system

  • Information board

  • Switch off lights

  • Look after wildlife in the Churchyard